Thursday, May 13, 2010

A New Reality Is Better Than a New Movie! BY AMIRI BARAKA

this poem makes me think that is about how real do you think your life is? like we cannot scape what life has for us or what we have done. no matter what you do you wont be able to scape "even snorts of
100% pure cocaine cant cancel the cold cut of impending death to this society". it is why it makes me think that whatever we do one day we must pay. that all those movies have something real but something which is not like tornedos we do have but is even worst than movies. in movies people scape but not in reality. everything in life is about the money if you have your good; like if you have a company your good

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks

this poem reminds me when i graduated from high school and i had the same thought i am now cool i am free from baby stuff i am a college student. shes is like saying her friends and her are growing up fast.but when she saids lurk? she lost me there is it that she steals late? this poem seems like is a fast life thing where people sin do bad stuff and in others eyes they are cool

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Saint Francis and the Sow by Galway Kinnell

this poem is describing the process of a flower like if it was a human being. a flower is beautiful specially when it is full grown. if a person opens up it could be very beautiful or very nasty/negative at the same time. the writer speaks about love and happiness as he describes the flower.every beautiful thing has something bad like the flower it has spines that might cut you. i also think he is describing how a rose becomes lively for example in spring and how bad it could be when is dying or how sad.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Am Waiting by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

i think this poem is about religion specially Christianity. he speaks about rebirth the second coming, christians believe that the second coming is when jesus come back to earth and that is when our lives end or we go to eternal life with God which he also speaks about. i think his looking back and comparing it to what america is now. his probably comparing it when jesus was here and to now. the writer is expressing his thoughts and feelings to the reader. he wants everyone to really know america.. he wants others to discover how powerful america could be and how lost it could also be

Thursday, April 15, 2010

a supermarket in california

in this poem i stood and just thought what is he trying to mean. is wilment real? then i realize that wilment was an imaginary person. in this poem he is expressing things about life, how people go on and buy stuff ; people dont seen to care where it came from is food but witman the imaginary person is asking every single question he can. he is curious he wants to know who cut what why where and how much. i dont think much of the poem but i think he is admiring walmart ; how would this man think and act. america has come to the end where we could mimik food everything if we can it doesnt matter where it came from or how. people dont understand the meaning of natural; original or the environment. people just want things to be easily facilitated to them. i think he is viewing that.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

wedding ring

this poem has the beat like of sadness. i visualize her reading the poem without life. is as she went threw this before. she might be  speaking of how her marriage ring is left out in a place of no importance. it gives me the feeling that her husband abandoned her but yet her marriage was some what successful.               It can’t be sold
for the marriage was good in its own
time, though that time is gone" in this lines she is letting the reader know that her marriage was good thats why she cant sale the ring even though everything that had to do with it is past and it wont be coming back. she also mentions friendship which lets me know that they are more in a friendship level. most people that separate hate each other but from what i see they were friends before then decided to get married but it wasnt love love, it was the love of friends.there were promises that were made but they just couldnt keep; i think she is hurt by this. she left her feelings go. she did not dealt with her feelings she decided to ignored them.                                       "It lies
among keys to abandoned houses,
nails waiting to be needed and hammered
into some wall," she hasnt heal from it. in all she is describing her past relationship in which she obviously love the man but is just hurt and they were better off being friends

Thursday, March 25, 2010

sex without love

This poem left me speechless. so many girls go threw this things that she spoke about. is like she been threw this emotion. its a battle between your flesh and your spirit. the body is asking for it because is lustful. i felt that this writer is having a struggle within her own-self. like your walking and asking yourself why do i do this? some people will judge you call you names like in this line "How does it feel to be trash now that you are trash," after a guy gets what they want they will use this similar word. you have lower yourself just because your addicted to se. the more you give yourself away the more you feel less worthy. when she said you have se to please the one you love i like so many guys ask for it as proof of your love. a girl gives it up and goes like hey i already did it with this one why not with this one then breakup and at the end you will ended up feeling disgusted and wont be able to stop because it is normal to you to be sleeping around with boy. you know its wrong that its not you how she saids in the poem but you cant stop. you feel worthless because you gaved that one special thing away and now your nothing. people just dont understand once you give it you will never get it back. you give it to that one special guy but that will brake your heart believe it or not. that whole that now you have between your leg i the whole that was created in your heart. someone didnt value you enough to wait for marriage. i love this poem its what happening alot with mostly every kind of age people.